Cost of living payment
You were able to claim or were getting an eligible payment. A date for the second instalment has not yet been announced but. Cost Of Living Payments Could Give A Boost To Benefit Take Up HOUSEHOLDS have been paid the first part of their 650 cost of living payment but when will they receive the second half. . The total Cost of Living Payment is 350 which will be split into 3 monthly payments starting 1 August. The governments Cost of Living Payment has been introduced to try to cushion the blow of rising costs. The National Party is asking the Auditor-General to investigate the governments cost-of-living payment after it was sent to numerous people who were ineligible. One million people receiving tax credits will receive the first half of the 650 cost of living payment from Friday September 2. Tax credit claimants who also receive benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions will have already received their first Cos...